Chez Jérémie

Chez Jérémie, parfois c'est sérieux, parfois non !

février 2011

Why are SVG Fonts so different?

Par jeremie, - Web

Une version française de cet article est disponible sur : Pourquoi les fontes SVG sont-elles différentes des autres ?

I’m sad to see that there are many misconception about SVG fonts. I’ve read a lot of articles and complains about the SVG font format and the last (but not the least) was an article from Alexander Limi explaining why Firefox will not pass the Acid3 test mainly due to a lack of SVG font support. All those complain are misplaced in many way because SVG fonts are misunderstood. Really? But in this case, what are SVG fonts made for? Let’s see that.

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